I’m writing a book

You read it here first. I’m writing a book. The book is about training around injuries. So really, it’s pretty much sharing what me and…

Re-opening the gym

The Government of Ontario has announced a plan for businesses and services to start re-opening after being forced to close since mid-March. Gyms are not…

Open letter to fitness conference organizers about diversity

As a fitness conference organizer, I ask that you implement a speaker application process.

This has the potential for you to showcase new and different people and perspectives to your seminar audience while opening up opportunities to talented presenters who may not be in your network or your network’s network.

Playing music legally at a gym

While some clients poked fun at my playlists (arguably I am stuck in the 80s and 90s musically), for the most part the music that played in the background helped make their gym experience more enjoyable. That’s how we operated back when I thought paying the $9.99/mo for Google Play was all I needed to play music legally at my gym.

Should you wear a brace?

“What is your opinion about tennis elbow/knee braces and straps? I read an article where they recommend it pretty strongly. Do they really help or it is just “mental support”?”

Biofeedback training test drive

the concept of biofeedback training is that you test your body in some way, do an exercise, then you redo the same test. If your body responded favourably to the exercise, you will perform as well or better on the test after doing the exercise and you should do more of it. Conversely, if your body tested worse after the set, then it wasn’t the right thing for you at the moment, so stop doing it.