Aaaaahhhhhh. Ooooh yaaaaaaaa. After what felt like endless delays and a mid-stream change of location, the new Custom Strength personal training studio is finally open! I couldn’t be more pleased. 🙂 In fact I’m so pleased that I don’t even mind that I have extra duties now, like mopping floors. Now I realize this is not a normal post for me, but I hope you won’t mind my using this post to gush with excitement about the project that has kept me from regular blog posts for the past 2 months.
It has been tough training clients out of someone else’s gym for the past 2 months, knowing that I had all this great equipment sitting upstairs in boxes. But finally, it’s all in my space and being used by my clients! My mind is still running overtime figuring out how best to incorporate some of these great new toys into everyone’s individual programs. I’m quite enjoying that process!
I put together a little video tour for anyone who’s curious what the inside of “the Shed” looks like (or  maybe it’s that I’m like a kid who just opened up her own candy shop and I want to tell everyone about it).
What is “the shed”, you ask? It’s a fun name that one of my clients came up with one evening and it has really stuck. The shed is very apropos since the new Custom Strength gym is located in a commercial garage that is tucked in behind a house at 11 Fairmont in Hintonburg.
Here’s what it looks like from the street (the new Hintonburg Bridgehead is 2 doors down to the left):
And once you go down the driveway, the Shed is behind the grey door on the right:
Think about how great it will be in the summer when we can train with that garage door open! And with a sled being pushed and pulled along that great big long driveway. I know I’ll enjoy watching. The joys of being a trainer! 🙂
Don’t feel like watching the video but wondering what’s so special about the shed?
Let’s see, there’s the awesome training with great people (semi-private training is way more fun). That should be enough right there. On top of that, it really has a great feel, or so my clients have been telling me for the past week.
But what’s the equipment like? One word: Awesome. Here’s the list:
- Dual power rack means 2 people can be either squatting or bench pressing at once
- 2 chin up bars with superbands for assisted pullups
- 2 TRX suspension trainers
- a 10 foot slideboard for lateral conditioning (hello skiers, hockey, tennis and ultimate players!)
- a Freemotion functional trainer for all your cable needs
- a multitude of bands and floor anchor for anti-rotation training
- medicine balls and a cinder block wall to throw them against
- stability balls and a wobble board
- a core trainer
- a 40 foot battling rope secured into the cement floor for amazing upper body and core cardio
- an airdyne bike
- a set of 4 plyometric boxes
- 4 different heights of hurdles
- a single leg squat stand
- an adjustable bench and a flat bench
- 4 olympic bars with a large collection of York iso grip plates as well as a set of 10 lb, 25 lb, and 45 lb bumper plates
- a 5kg (12lb) training bar
- a full set of kettebells – 2 each in 5 lb increments from 10 lbs to 50 lbs and then in 10 lb increments to 70 lbs
- a 40 lb weight vest
- foam rolls
- a Functional Movement Screen (FMS) kit; and
- yoga mats
Ya, it’s a pretty great place to work out. 🙂
If this makes you think “I gotta get me there”, then head over  to the Custom Strength personal training page or just shoot me an email via the personal training page (scroll down).
Hi Tim,
Yes we do. Two of them, in fact.
Do you have a functional trainer machine at your location?
thanks for this.
I’ll let you know when I open the LA franchise. 🙂
Congrats! I’m so envious of your local clients who get to work out with you in your new space. I’ll have to come take a peek when I’m next in your next of the woods. So exciting!!