The third thing to remember about goal setting is that you really need to break it into bits. If your goal involves losing 50 pounds, break that down into 5 or 10 pound chunks. That means you’ll be thinking about 5 to 10 week periods. Celebrate each mini victory along the way. This is crucial because our brain works like the economy. Your brain evaluates rewards using a net present value principle.
How many minute abs? Really?
My new year’s wish is that media outlets one day are required to substantiate the things they print, like “15-Minute Flat Belly Workout”. Does anyone believe that they will get a flat belly by doing 15 minutes worth of ab exercises? I think it’s shameful. And harmful. Because some people will believe it.
Struggling with weight loss? Maybe there’s more to it
what about those people who have been there, done that? The people who don’t seem to be able to stick with their plan? Are they just weak? Is the person who sets their goals, makes a plan, and then follows that plan to fat loss success just a better person than the person who tries and fails?
On mindless eating
Did you know that the brain’s reward system is actually based on food and sex? It makes sense if you think about it. We are wired to encourage survival, which requires us to eat and have sex. So is it any surprise that we yearn for delicious food?